Personal Injury
We can recover compensation for your physical and mental injuries. The amount will depend on a prognosis made by a medical expert in a medical report which will be arranged during the claims process.
If so you may be entitled to make a compensation claim through the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) .UK motorists are required to obtain adequate motor insurance to legally drive or park a vehicle on our roads. It is estimated however, that there are around 1.3 million road users in the UK that drive without insurance .If you are hit by an uninsured driver there is no insurance company to provide compensation for damage to your vehicle or personal injury. This does not mean that you are unable to recover your losses. Provided that you meet the criteria the Motor Insurers Bureau will compensate you for your losses.
We can recover compensation for your physical and mental injuries. The amount will depend on a prognosis made by a medical expert in a medical report which will be arranged during the claims process.
If you were unable to work as a result of the accident we can recover the amount that you lost as a result of your Injuries
If you have incurred expenses such as damage to your clothing, personal property or costs for medical treatment we can help you recover this from the Motor Insurers Bureau
If you require treatment for your injuries such as physiotherapy we can help recover the costs if you have funded the treatment your self or arrange for the treatment on your behalf.